Myntra Hackathon HackerRamp – #WeForShe: Stages and Timelines

Phase 1: Ideation

Please register to access the themes and pick any one or a maximum of two themes of your choice. Think out of the box to come up with an interesting solution. While doing so, please bear in mind that if your idea is shortlisted, you will be building a functional prototype of it in Phase 2.

06 Mar’21 06:00 PM IST – 18 Mar’21 11:59 PM IST

Phase 2: Implementation

This is where your ideas come to life. You will be implementing a fully functional prototype of the solution you proposed in Phase 1 and making it demo-ready.

29 Mar’21 06:00 PM IST – 08 Apr’21 11:59 PM IST

Phase 3: Pre-Finale

Your team will be assigned a mentor from Myntra who will provide you valuable inputs to create a working model which you will present to our jury. The top shortlisted teams will then move to the Grand Finale.

To be announced

Phase 4: Grand-Finale

The final countdown ends! The top teams shortlisted from Phase 3 will present their model to the esteemed jury and winners will be declared.

To be announced.

All that you need to know about Myntra HackerRamp: WeForShe

We, at Myntra, have taken conscious efforts to build an inclusive workplace. Women constitute over 50% of our customer base, hence “gender inclusion” has been a significant part of our inclusion journey. WeForSHE is our focused effort towards creating equitable growth for women. As a part of this initiative, we are launching HackerRamp: WeForShe 

this year. This is an opportunity for all women coders from engineering colleges across the country to create and innovate through technology. Are you ready for a journey that will give you an adrenaline rush by letting the “geek goddess” in you creatively solve for areas in fashion tech? Not just that, you will also have an opportunity to be mentored by some of the best tech minds in our engineering teams as you inch closer to the finale!

Excited as we are? Hop on the bandwagon and begin this journey with us! 

  • CTC : Approximately 24 LPA

Competition Stages

Here are a few milestones in your HackerRamp: WeForShe journey:

Phase 1: Ideation

Please register to access the themes and pick any one or a maximum of two themes of your choice. Think out of the box to come up with an interesting solve. While doing so, please bear in mind that if your idea is shortlisted, you will be building a functional prototype of it in Phase 2. Stay tuned for the webinar on 10th March for more details on the themes in order to make more impactful submissions.

Phase 1 Submission Guidelines

  • You can propose the solution for any one or a maximum of two themes of your choice.
  • Submit your ideas as a presentation in PPT/ PPTX format and the deck should not exceed 6 slides.
  • Te PPT/PPTX format template for the submission will be shared with you.
  • File Naming convention: InstituteName_TeamName.ppt/ pptx

Phase 2: Implementation

This is where your ideas come to life. You will be implementing a fully functional prototype of the solution you proposed in Phase 1 and making it demo-ready. We will host a webinar series where students can interact with our engineering leaders to clarify questions they might have about bringing their ideas to life.

Phase 2 Submission GuidelinesShortlisted teams are required to submit the following:

  1. A short presentation outlining the solution (should not exceed 6 slides)
  2. A set of videos:
    • Outlining overall solutions, flows, and broad technology components (2-3 minutes)
    • Live demo of the final solution built. While we encourage you all to articulate the entire solution in a single clip, if that’s not possible, you may choose to split your demo into multiple smaller clips with a total duration not exceeding 2-3 minutes
  3. Links to code repositories. Folks may use free offerings by GitHub or GitLab for this

Each video should be in .mp4 format and the file size should not exceed 20 MB per video.

File Naming Convention: InstituteName_TeamName

Phase 3: Pre-Finale

Your team will be assigned a mentor from Myntra who will provide you valuable inputs to create a working model which you will present to our jury. The top shortlisted teams will then move to the Grand Finale.

Phase 4: Grand-Finale

The final countdown ends! The top teams shortlisted from Phase 3 will present final presentations to the esteemed jury and winners will be declared.

Eligibility and Team Formation Guidelines

  • HackerRamp: WeForShe is open to female students across engineering colleges in India, who are pursuing:
    • B.Tech/ B.E. programs (full-time) and currently in 2nd/ 3rd/ 4th year.
    • M.Tech program (full-time) and currently in 1st or 2nd year.
    • Dual Degree program (full-time) and currently in 3rd/ 4th/ 5th year.
  • Students currently in 1st year fromB.Tech/ B.E. (full-time) are not eligible to participate.
  • Students currently in 1st or 2nd year from Dual Degree programs (full-time) are not eligible to participate.
  • Students must register either individually or in teams of 2 to 3 members.
  • Students of a particular team can be from different batches and from different colleges.
  • Cross specialization teams from different colleges are eligible to participate.
  • Cross College teams are eligible to participate.
  • One participant cannot be a member of more than one team.
  • One team can submit ideas for a maximum of 2 themes/ problem statements.
  • Modification of teams post-registration is not allowed.
  • Any deviation from the above will result in immediate disqualification of the entire team.

What are the important dates & deadlines?

12 Mar’21 06:29 PM IST Registration Deadline

06 Mar’21 06:00 PM IST Phase 1: Ideation

10 Mar’21 02:00 PM IST Webinar for Theme explanation

18 Mar’21 11:59 PM IST Phase 1 Submission Deadline

29 Mar’21 06:00 PM IST Phase 2: Implementation Deadline

31 Mar’21 02:00 PM IST Webinar – Ideation phase shortlists

15 Apr’21 11:00 AM IST Webinar – Mentor sessions

Apply Here

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