Installing WordPress on AWS Free Tier

Installing WordPress on AWS Free Tier is way simpler than you thought. AWS is a cloud hosting platform, where it provides 12 months (1 year) free hosting. We can utilize AWS Cloud Free Tier to install WordPress on AWS for 12 months. In this article, you will get to know how you can install WordPress on AWS. It’s the best way to have reliable cloud hosting for free.

Fun fact: This blog is hosted on AWS Cloud.

Benefits of using Cloud Hosting:

  • Low spam score, so good for SEO
  • Secured
  • High Availability
  • Scalable architecture

WordPress is a free and open-source CMS with a MySQL or MariaDB, one goes choice for blogging, because of its plugin architecture. Here is the complete step by step guide to install WordPress on AWS Cloud.

How to access AWS Cloud Free Tier?

Go to AWS Cloud Free Tier, provide your details and sign up. Once you sign up you will get AWS Cloud free for 12 months. You need to provide your payment details (card) for verification purpose.

AWS Free Tier

It might take 2-3 hours for verification and account activation.

Install WordPress on AWS : Image in Marketplace

WordPress Certified By Bitnami and Automattic

Select WordPress Certified By Bitnami and Automattic (Free Tier), as this one has latest version of WordPress with Apache Server and maintained by Bitnami.

Choose closest region to your target audience

Select near region

You must choose Region closest to your target audiences for faster speed delivery.

Choose Action

Choose Action

Choose action Launch through EC2 and click launch

Choose an Instance Type

Choose an Instance Type

Make sure you choose t2.micro EC2 instance type, as this one is eligible for free tier.

Finally Launch

Create a new pair of key to access AWS EC2 WordPress server console

You can download Key Pair and click on Launch Instance, it will initiate process of installing WordPress on your server.

You can check process by Typing EC2 in Search box.

Click on instance once it’s in Running state.

Click on Open address from Public IPv4 address (you might get warning as we need to set up SSL for secure access, click on Advanced and proceed to <IP>)

Your WordPress blog is live!

How to access AWS WordPress using SSH command?

  1. Open an SSH client, in mac or Linux it’s terminal
  2. Locate your private key file. The key used to launch this instance is <your-key-file>.pem
  3. Run this command, if necessary, to ensure your key is not publicly viewable.
    chmod 400 <your-key-file>.pem
  4. Connect to your instance using its Public DNS, you can get this in your instance details.


  • ssh -i “<your-key-file>.pem” bitnami@<your-public-dns> or <IP>

If you’re here! Great job. You have successfully installed WordPress on the AWS EC2 instance. If you’re facing any issues comment below.

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